Civil War New York

Binding > Hardcover (1/35)

  • Personal Memoirs Of U. S. Grant 1885 Two Volumes Civil War Military Fine Binding
  • Signed Robert E. Lee- Douglas Southall Freeman Volumes 1 & 2
  • 1904, 1st, In Memoriam Henry Warner Slocum 1826-1894, American Civil War General
  • Personal Memoirs Of U. S. Grant 1885 Civil War Vol 1 & 2 Set Charles Webster
  • Pre Civil War, Illustrated, Ladies Repository, A Monthly Periodical 1849, Vol Ix
  • Squadron Tactics Under Steam 1864 Navy Naval Warfare Civil War
  • Personal Memoirs Of P. H. Sheridan General United States Army. Volume I. Hc 1888
  • Twelve Years A Slave Narrative Solomon Northup Rare Abolitionist Civil War 1859
  • 165th N. Y. Album Of The Second Battalion Duryee Zouaves Civil War Photos 1st Ed
  • 1915 Civil War Book Campaigns Of The 146th Regiment New York State Volunteers
  • 1861 New Testament Bible Civil War Soldier's Bible From Ny Bible Society
  • History Of The Ninth Regiment New York 1889 Civil War Signed
  • Gen. George H. Thomas At Nashville Civil War Amos Tuck French 1896 Limited Ed
  • Recollections Of The Civil War 1912 First Edition 37th Regiment Mass. Vols
  • Fine Bindings The Rise And Fall Of The Confederate Government 1881 1sts
  • J. B. Polley. A Soldier's Letters To Charming Nellie. 1908-1st Edition
  • Personal Reminiscences Of The Rebellion 1861-1865 Civil War
  • History Of The Administration Of President Lincoln
  • 1865 Slavery 13th Amendment Dec. Of Ind Us Constitution- First Edition
  • Personal Memoirs Of P. H. Sheridan Volume Ii. Hc 1888
  • Antique Book History Of The 5th Calvary New York © 1865 By Louis N. Boudrye
  • R. E. Lee Biography By Douglas Southall Freeman Lee Abridgment By Richard Harwell
  • 1863 Antique Us Cyclopedia History Civil War Maps Science Literature Military
  • Foote, Shelby. The Civil War, A Narrative In 3 Vols. First Eds, Vol 1 Signed