Joseph Rodman Drake DeKay, named fro various family members who served as officers in the US Army and US Navy served with distinction as an officer in the 14th US Infantry and was was awarded brevets for the Battles of Spottsylvania and the Wilderness. An Original Civil War Furlough Notice issued at Washington, April 11, 1863 granting a 45 day Furlough to Corporal W. J Kelly, Company C, 108th New York Volunteers, a patient at Mount Pleasant Hospital.
The 1 p x x11 ptd/ink Furlough notice is ink signed in the huge, distinctive ink signature of Drake De Kay as A.. Comes w service info- Captain De Kay served on the staff of General Hooker at the time. Minor age strains, edge wear, Overall VG. NOTE: Any repair to a paper item is listed.I use only museum curator approved archival repair tape. All items are unconditionally guaranteed to be authentic and in the condition as described.