Civil War New York

Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia

Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia
Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia

Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia   Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia
Rare ink signed image wearing the Insignia of the Engineers on his kepi. Residence was not listed; 18 years old. Enlisted on 8/14/1861 at Owego, NY as a Private. On 8/26/1861 he mustered into "I" Co. He was Mustered Out on 6/13/1865 at Fort Barry, VA.

Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc. (c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. Embrick, Ira Spaulding, George W.

The 50th, known as Stuart's regiment, and later as the 50th. Engineers, was organized at Elmira, of companies from the middle.

And western parts of the state, which were mustered into the U. 18, 1861, for a three years' term. It left the state 850 strong, Sept. Ordered to Hall's hill, Va. And assigned to the 3d brigade of.

22, the regiment was converted. By special orders from the war department into a regiment of.

Engineers and ordered to Washington, where instruction was. In March, 1862, with the volunteer engineers' brigade, Army of. The Potomac, the 50th moved to Yorktown and worked faithfully in. Digging trenches, constructing bridges and earthworks, etc. Until the evacuation of that city.

At White House the command. Was divided into several detachments, which were engaged in. Escort duty and bridge building until reunited at Dispatch. Station on June 1, when the regiment was employed in providing. For the passage of the troops over the Chickahominy. It accompanied the army through the Seven Days' battles to. Harrison's landing, where it was again separated, one detachment. Being sent to Hampton, Va. When the regimental headquarters was. Transferred to Hampton in August, a detachment was left behind at. Harrison's landing, but on Sept. 3 the regiment was reunited at. Four companies were detached on Sept 12 and ordered to Harper's. Ferry, where they were engaged in constructing pontoons and later. A part of the detachment behind. Another detachment was sent to. The vicinity of Fredericksburg with these boats, and the. Headquarters of the regiment were transferred to Acquia creek.

Leaving one company at Washington. Great assistance was rendered by the 50th in laying the bridges. Before the battle of Fredericksburg, when they were under. Continuous fire from the enemy's sharpshooters.

1862, the 50th was enrolled on the state records as an infantry. Regiment, but an act of Congress of that date accepted it as a.

Regiment of the volunteer engineer corps, of the same rank as the. After passing the winter in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg. The regiment joined in the Chancellorsville campaign, where it. Aided effectively in conveying the army across the river and was. At Deep run in June the 50th.

Suffered the loss of 11 in killed, wounded and missing, while. Engaged in laying a bridge. A, C, F, G, H and K remained in the field during the summer. Of 1863 and the others were stationed in Washington. 1863, about three fourths of the regiment reenlisted and received.

At the opening of the Wilderness. Campaign in May, 1864, the 50th was again divided, one detachment. Assigned to the 2nd, one to the 6th, and one to the 5th corps.

One company remaining in Washington. In the winter of 1863-64 two new companies were added to the. Regiment and the ranks filled with new recruits. Operations of the Army of the Potomac in May and June, 1864, the. Main work of the regiment was that of laying bridges at various.

Points notably one 2,010 feet long, across the James. At Petersburg the regiment was in demand at all points for work. Of construction and repair on the fortifications, and it also.

During its long service the. Men became very proficient in engineering and through its. Steadiness under fire is said to have lost during the last year. Of its service no bridge material of any kind. The original members not reenlisted were mustered out at New York.

1864, and after participation in the grand review at. Washington, the veteran organization was there mustered out on. The loss of the regiment by death from wounds. Was 17 and by death from disease and other causes 214.

Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia   Civil War CDV Union Soldier Daniel N Perry 50th New York Engineers Insignia