Civil War New York

1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated

1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated
1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated

1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated   1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated

Note: Many of my clients are scholars and researchers seeking specific information related to their field of interest. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book.

Places and Historical Subject Matter Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): United States American History National Patriotic Illustrated Decorative Leather Fine Binding Engravings Steel Engravings Native American Indian Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci Balboa Ponce De Leon Explorers Great Britain British Sir Francis Drake Walter Raleigh Captain John Smith Jamestown Virginia Pocahontas Henry Hudson Pilgrims Plymouth Massachusetts Puritans Dutch New York New Netherland Stuyvesant Boston Connecticut River Roger Williams Religious Freedom Rhode Island Friends Quakers William Penn Pennsylvania King Philip Indian War Witchcraft Witch Hysteria Salem Mississippi River French Indian War Pontiacs War American Revolution Revolutionary War Boston Tea Party Battle of Bunker Hill Valley Forge Wyoming Valley Charleston Benedict Arnold Major John Andre Declaration of Independence Philadelphia George Washington Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin Ethan Allen Lexington Concord Minute Man Cornwallis Continental Army Navy President Ohio River Black Hawk War of 1812 Erie Canal Railroads Mexican War Fugitive Slave Slavery South Carolina Georgia Slave States Old Dominion Abolition Abolitionist Civil War Rebellion Union Confederate North South Fort Sumter Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis Ulysses S. Lee Assassination John Wilkes Booth Western Migration Old West Indian Wars General George Armstrong Custer Massacre Little Big Horn Thanksgiving The United States Constitution John Jay John Adams Andrew Jackson Manufactures Lake Erie Naval Battle Niagara Falls Bleeding Kansas Secession Harpers Ferry Manassas Junction Bull Run Balls Bluff Army of the Potomac Neetmok Shiloh Fort Donelson Corinth Pacific Ocean Hiawatha Father Marquette The Half-Moon Block Island New Haven Indian Captives Hannah Dustin Alleghany Mountains Maryland Stamp Act Liberty Pole Samuel Adams King George III Fort William Henry Massacre Logan Paul Revere Bunker Hill Lake Champlain Danbury Jane McCrea Princeton Joseph Brant Nathan Hale Brandywine Monmouth Stony Point Nathanael Greene Washingtons Headquarters Newburgh Yorktown Mount Vernon Chippewa Sioux Indians General McClellan Philip H. OUR COUNTRY A Household History For All Readers, From the Discovery of America to the Present Time. Published in 1879 by Henry J.

Three 10 x 8 volumes full leather bindings with gilt decoration, marbled edges. Illustrated with more than 500 illustrations by Felix O. Darley, and fine engravings on steel. Three volumes = 1866 pages total. Handsome exteriors as shown in photos.

Text is clean and complete. Volume I has a moisture blemish in the lower outer corner of pages, with little or no effect on text and illustrations.

No torn, loose or missing pages. Overall a good-looking, clean and solid set, great for your collection, home, office or personal library.

There may be slight variations in foxing/toning, etc. This is a beautiful 1877 three-volume set of OUR COUNTRY, Benson J.

Lossings landmark history of the United States from settlement to the Civil War and beyond. Richly bound in three-quarter leather with ornate spine decoration. All three volumes are embellished with a series of full-page illustrated plates and numerous text illustrations more than 500 in total: pictures of explorers, colonial settlers, Indians, Pilgrims, Puritans, patriots, kings, queens, Minute-men, Redcoats, Presidents, slaves, Rebels, Union soldiers, and dramatic scenes from every period of Americas storied past. By the age of 35, he had already built a strong reputation as an editor, author and engraver of woodcut illustrations. From the late 1840s through the 1870s he published a number of now-famous and highly collectible books such as Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six; The Hudson River from Ocean to Source; Mount Vernon, or the Home of Washington; Hours With the Men and Women of the Revolution; The Pictorial Field-Book of the American Revolution; and the Pictorial Field-Book of the Civil War.

To research the latter two titles, Lossing toured the battle sites of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars on foot, and personally interviewed surviving participants. The Revolutionary and Civil Wars feature prominently in OUR COUNTRY and who better to discuss these important American conflicts than Benson Lossing, who devoted the better part of his life to studying and writing about them? OUR COUNTRY describes every epoch of the American experience, starting with the first explorations by Europeans. Heres just a taste of the countless topics you will find described in these pages.

American Indian life before the white man. Expeditions of Christopher Columbus and Vespucci. Explorations of Balboa and Ponce de Leon. Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. Captain John Smith and Jamestown, Virginia.

Dutch colony at New Amsterdam. Early settlement on the Connecticut River.

Roger Williams and religious persecution. Early explorations of the Mississippi River.

Naval engagements of the Revolutionary War. Ohio River exploration and emigration. Indian depredations along the Ohio.

Gettysburg and all the major Civil War battles Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and the Confederates. Indian wars in the West.

To give you a better idea of the breadth and scope of this handsome three-volume history, I have provided some helpful details below, starting with a summaries of the Contents and the 500+ illustrations youll find in the book. As you look through the Contents and summaries of illustrations, youll get a stronger feel for the historical landscape that Lossing covers in OUR COUNTRY. Further down this page, you can see some photos of the set and its many historical illustrations. I hope youll take a few moments to have a look. CHAPTER I: The Extent and Character of Our Country The Form of its Government, Its Discovery by Norwegians, Icelandic Navigators, Their Attempts to Found a Colony Here, Traditions Respecting other Discoveries, The North American Indians in the Sixteenth Century.

CHAPTER II: Indian Population at the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century, Their Language, Religion, Government, Records, Literature, Domestic and Military Habits, and Their Physical and Mental Characteristics, The Iroquois Confederacy, Their Civil and Military Government, The Five Nations, The Story of Hi-a-wat-ha, Origin of the Confederacy Geographical Distribution of the Indians. CHAPTER III: The Indians of the Gulf Region.

Their Religious Ceremonies as Sun-worshippers, Their Domestic Habits, Costumes, Dwellings and Productions, Their Military Defences and War-like Operations, Their Marriage and Funeral Ceremonies, The Fate of the Indians, European Society in the Fifteenth Century, Theories Respecting the Shape of the Earth, Discoveries by the Portuguese, Popular Traditions Concerning the Atlantic Ocean, Christopher Columbus: His Theories and Aspirations, His Family Relations and Early Voyages, His Efforts to Obtain Means for Making a Voyage of Discovery, Conduct of the King of Portugal. CHAPTER VI: Henry the Seventh of England, He Commissions the Cabots to Make Discoveries, Voyage and Discoveries of Sebastian Cabot, King Henry's Ambitious Designs, Cabot in Spain, Americus Vespuccius, His Pretended First Discovery of America, How, by Fraud, our Continent was Called by His Name, The Pope's Gift of America to the Spanish Monarch, Voyages of Cortereal to Labrador and their Results, Young Columbus in San Domingo, Ponce De Leon's Search for the Fountain of Youth, and Discovery of Florida, Discovery of South Carolina, Cruel Treatment of Natives and their Revenge, Discovery of Central America, Attempts to Colonize Central America, The Spaniards in Cuba, Their Introduction of Christianity to the Natives of that Island. CHAPTER VII: The Spaniards on the Isthmus of Darien, Their Cruel Treatment of the Natives Story of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean, by Vasco Nufiez De Balboa, He Takes Possession of it in the Name of the Spanish Monarchs, Tidings of Peru, Death of Nunez, Cuba Conquered, Hernando Cortez, Story of the Conquest of Mexico, Success and Cruelties of the Spaniards in Mexico, Capture of Its Capital, Destruction of Idols, Attempted Conquest of Florida by Narvaez, Dreadful Sufferings of that Leader and His Followers, Their Destruction. CHAPTER VIII: De Soto Commissioned to Conquer and Govern Florida, His Experience in the Dominions of a Creek Chief, A Friendly Indian Queen on the Savannah River, De Soto's Treachery, His Kind Reception in the Coosa Country, De Soto's Perfidy, His March through Alabama. CHAPTER IX: Voyage of Verazzani, Kidnaps an Indian Boy, He Explores the Coasts from North Carolina to Newfoundland, Cartier Discovers the Gulf of St.

Lawrence, On a Second Voyage He Discovers the River St. Lawrence and Names Both, He Explores the River to the Site of Montreal, no Takes a Daughter of a Huron Chief to France He Winters at the Site of Quebec, Cartier Kidnaps the "King of Canada" and some of His Chiefs, and takes them to France, English Explorers, Their Sufferings in Newfoundland, Cartier's Third Voyage to the St. Lawrence, Hostilities of the Natives, The Lord of Robertville on the St. CHAPTER X: The Protestant Reformation, The Huguenots or French Protestants, Coligni and Catharine de Medici, Permission Granted for a French Protestant settlement in America, A Settlement Planted on the Coast of South Carolina, The Colony Neglected, Helped by the Natives, A Huguenot Colony in Florida, Friendship of the Natives, They Build a Fort on the St. John's River, Appearance there of a Spanish Fleet, The Colonists Warned concerning it, The Spaniards Land at the Site of St. Augustine, Fruitless Expedition against them. CHAPTER XI: Menendez His Landing on the Coast of Florida, The French on the St. John's massacred by the Spaniards, Complaints of the Outrage Unheeded by the French Monarch, The Chevalier de Gourges Avenges the Crime by Retaliation, The French Court Favors the Roman Catholics, Wickedness of Catharine de Medici, The Murder of Coligni, Queen Elizabeth Espouses Coligni's Plan for Settlement in America, Reports concerning the Warmer Regions of America received from Walter Raleigh, Frobisher's Voyage in Search of a Northwest Passage to India, and for Gold, His Discoveries, The Globe Circumnavigated by Drake, His Exploits against the Spaniards. CHAPTER XII: Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Patent, Character of Walter Raleigh, Illustration of His Gallantry, A Favorite of Queen Elizabeth, Gilbert at Newfoundland, Is Lost at Sea, Raleigh receives a Charter from the Queen, Sends an Exploring Expedition to America, Its Cheering Results, The Queen Names the Region Explored Virginia, Raleigh Sends a Colony to Virginia, Bad Leaders Produce Great Disasters, A Colony of Working People Sent, First English Child Born in America, The Colony Lost, Raleigh's Deeds, and His Sufferings at the Hands of a Bad King, His Death on the Scaffold. CHAPTER XIII: Explorations of the New England Coasts by English Navigators, Grand Scheme for Colonizing Virginia Patronized by the British Monarch, Charters Granted, Attempts of the French to Plant Settlements in America, Samuel Champlain Founds Quebec and Montreal, He Discovers and Names Lake Champlain, With the Help of the Jesuits He Establishes the French Dominion in America, The Story of the Voyages and Discoveries of Henry Hudson, His Sad Fate. CHAPTER I: England at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century, Henry the Eighth and the Church, Dawn of the Age of Reason, Rural Population of England, Furniture, Costume, Methods of Agriculture, Learning and Fine Arts in England, London and Plymouth Companies, Settlements Attempted in New England, English Settlers on the James River, Captain John Smith, Settlement at Jamestown. CHAPTER II: Energy and Wisdom of Captain Smith, His Encounter with Indians, Saved from Death by Pocahontas, His Influence at Jamestown, and His Explorations, Demands of the Company, Smith's Rules, Change in the Government, Perilous Passage of a Governor and Commissioners, Valuable Emigrants, Pocahontas Saves Jamestown, The "Starving Time, " Abandonment of and Return to Jamestown, Lord Delaware's Administration, A Better Social System, Pocahontas Kidnapped, Her Baptism and Marriage, Friendship of the Indians, The Staple of Virginia, Representative Government Established. CHAPTER III: Explorations in New England, Kidnapping Indians, Religious Parties in England, Persecutions, A Theological Conference, Bad Conduct of King James, Puritans in Holland, Longings for America, Preparations for Emigration, "Pilgrims" go to America, Constitution of Government Signed, Founding of Plymouth, Sufferings of the Emigrants, First Marriage in Plymouth Colony. CHAPTER IV: Hudson's Voyages and Discoveries, Block's Explorations, Charter for New Netherland Granted, Dutch Traders on the Hudson, Troubles with the English, Dutch West India Company Chartered, Preparations for Settlement, A French Intruder, Arrival of Walloons at Manhattan, Settlement on the Delaware, Political Organization of New Netherland, New Amsterdam Founded, Freedom there. CHAPTER V: The Plymouth Company in Parliament, First Debate in Parliament on American affairs, Grants of Territory East of Massachusetts, Sir William Alexander's Domain, Emigration Plan of Gorges and Mason, Settlers in New Hampshire, Dissolution of the Plymouth Company, Gorges Governor-General of New England, Founding of the Colony of New Hampshire, George Calvert (Lord Baltimore) Seeks a Charter for Maryland, His Son receives it, Its Character, Voyage of Emigrants to Maryland, First Settlement in Maryland, and Founding of its Capital. CHAPTER VI: Claims of the Dutch in New England, A Dutch Embassy to the Pilgrims, The Capital of the Pilgrims, The Dutch and English in the Valley of the Connecticut, First English Settlement there, The Dutch Exasperate the Indians, Emigration of Puritans to the Connecticut Valley, Conflicting Claims to the Territory, Hooker's Emigration, The Pequods Jealous, War with the Pequods, Their Destruction.

CHAPTER VII: A Settlement Begun at New Haven, A Peculiar Government Established there, The Dutch and English at Variance in the Connecticut Valley, A Government Formed at Hartford, Roger Williams in Massachusetts, His Banishment, Williams and others Found Providence, Rhode Island Settled, Form of Government there, Anne Hutchinson and others Driven from Massachusetts, Williams obtains a Charter for Rhode Island, Intolerance in Massachusetts, Reception of Williams on His Return from England. CHAPTER VIII: Social Condition of Holland in the Seventeenth Century, Inducements to Settle in New Netherland, The Patroons, their Privileges and Dependents, Dohertys description A Settlement in Delaware and its Fate, The Swedes on the Delaware, The Dutch and Swedes at Variance, The Swedes Maintain their Position, New Jersey Granted to Royal Favorites, Inducements to Settle there, Governor Carteret and Settlers at Elizabethtown, Trouble with the Settlers, A Republican Prophet. CHAPTER IX: The " Friends" or " Quakers, " William Penn obtains a Charter for Pennsylvania, Emigration to Pennsylvania, Penn Visits America, The Swedes on the Delaware.

Treaty with the Indians, Penn Visits New York, Meets the First Pennsylvania Assembly, Visits Lord Baltimore, Founds Philadelphia, Settlers in North Carolina, The Carolinas Granted to Royal Favorites, Settlements on the Cape Fear, Charleston Founded, Government for the Carolinas Framed. CHAPTER I: The Virginia Colonists, Introduction of Slaves from Africa, Young Women Sent to Virginia, Families and Schools Established there, Constitution of Virginia, Better Prospects, Massacre by Indians, Retaliation, Pestilence, The New British Monarch, An Unpopular Governor Deposed, Sir William Berkeley Another Massacre by the Indians, Death of the Indian Emperor, End of the Indian Confederacy, Berkeley and Royalty, The Old Dominion. CHAPTER II: Berkeley an Oppressor, Republicanism in Virginia, Condition of the Virginians, Royal Favorites Enriched, War with the Indians, Berkeley's Bad Conduct, Bacon's Rebellion, Berkeley's Cruelties, A Breach of Privilege, A Profligate Governor, Virginians Impoverished and Degraded by Misrule, Political Troubles in England, White Slaves in Virginia, Growth of Republicanism there, The Revolution of. CHAPTER III: Executive Government of New Netherland, Troubles with Indians, Dutch India Companies, Admiral Heyn and His Mother, A New Scheme of Colonization, Governor Van Twiller, Intercourse with Virginia, De Vries in Virginia and at New Amsterdam, Van Twiller's Folly, Plain Talk by a Parson and Sheriff, Governor Kieft and His Administration, Covetousness of the Patroons, Monopoly Rebuked, Farmers in New Netherland, New England Intruders, Troubles with the Indians, First Popular Assembly, Massacre of Indians at Hoboken, Retaliation. CHAPTER IV: The Government of New Netherland, Peter Stuyvesant appointed Governor Reception of Stuyvesant, He Defines His Policy by Words and Deeds, A Representative Government, Stuyvesant's Vigorous Administration, Settles Disputes with Connecticut, Spirit of Freedom Combated by Stuyvesant, The Dutch Sigh for the Freedom of the English, Revolutionary Proceedings, Popular Representatives, Stuyvesant's Pluck, The Swedes Subdued, Troubles with the Indians, New Netherland Surrendered to the English, The English Rule, The Dutch Re-Possess and then Re-Surrender the Province.

CHAPTER V: New Netherland Restored to the British, Andros and the Duke of York, Governor Dongan and the First General Assembly in New York, James II and the Colonies, A New Heir to the Throne, Jacob Leisler and His Career, Republicanism in New York, Governor Fletcher and His Discomfiture at Hartford, Indians Invade New York, Governor Bellamont, Captain Kidd, His Associates and Career, Governor Hyde and His Administration, Other Governors of New York, Political Parties, Freedom of the Press Vindicated, Negro Plot. CHAPTER VI: Governor Bradford, The First Public Thanksgiving in New England, Friendship with the Indians, Canonicus and His Challenge, Weston's Colony and its Career, Social Changes, Enterprise of the Pilgrims, Religious Matters, Colony at Cape Ann, Endicott at Salem, His Austerity, Massachusetts Bay colony, Governor Winthrop and the Indians, Republican and Representative Governments Established, Intercourse with other Colonies, Persecution in England and Intolerance in Massachusetts, Preparation to Resist Tyranny. CHAPTER VII: Theological Disputes, Henry Vane made Governor of Massachusetts, Mrs.

Hutchinson and Her Fate, English Power respected by the Savages, The New England Confederacy, First Coinage in America, The Puritan and His Ways, Puritan Magistrates Outwitted, Dealings with a Thief, Apology for Intolerance, Persecution of Quakers, Charles I. Beheaded, Cromwell, Monarchy Restored, Fate of the King's Judges, Goffe and Whalley, Massachusetts and Charles the II. CHAPTER VIII: King Philip, His Patriotism, Anger of His People, He Declares War, Terrible Events of that War, Death of Philip and Fate of His Son, Death of Charles II and Accession of James II, Andros made Governor-General, Revolution in England, Andros driven from Boston, French Jesuits in America, The French and Indians, A Congress of Delegates in New York, Canada Invaded, The English Repulsed, New Charter for Massachusetts. CHAPTER IX: Witchcraft, The Sad Story of "Salem Witchcraft, " Superstition and Wickedness Hand-in-Hand, Result of the Delusion, King William's War, New England's Sufferings, Capture of Pemaquid, The Baron de Castin, French and Indians make War together, The Exploit of Hannah Dustin and Her Companions, Treaty at Ryswick, The Pretender, Queen Anne, New England more Tolerant.

CHAPTER X: Bellamont Governor of Massachusetts, French Claims in New England, Queen Anne and others declare War against France, Struggle with the French and Indians Influence of the Jesuits, Death of Father Rale, Destruction of Deerfield, Fate of the Williams Family, The Village Bell, Acadie Invaded, Progress of French Dominion, Indian " Kings" in England, Expedition Against Canada, A Long Peace, Capture of Louisburg, French Attempt to Re-Take it, Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. CHAPTER XI: The Government of Maryland, Difficulties with Clayborne, The Indians Uneasy, A Civil War, Toleration Act, Disturbances in Maryland, George Fox in the Province, Rule of the Calverts, Insurrections, Revolution in England, Coode the Disturber of Maryland, Annapolis the Seat of Government, Lord Baltimore and William Penn, Tranquillity in Maryland, The French and Indian War. CHAPTER XII: The Connecticut Colonies, An Absurd Rumor about the Dutch, Charter for Connecticut obtained, Tyranny of Governor Andros, His Attempt to Seize the Charter, The Charter Oak, Freedom Enjoyed in Rhode Island, Society there, New Charter for Rhode Island Obtained, Its Duration, Andros in Rhode Island, New Jersey Considered, Its Social and Political Condition, The Province Divided, The Quakers Settle there, Andros in New Jersey, It becomes a Royal Province. CHAPTER XIV: The Carolinas, Disappearance of the Indians, Internal Commotions, Emigrants from France, Switzerland and Germany, An Indian Raid and Massacre of White People, Further Trouble with the Indians, South Carolina, The Governor makes War on the Spaniards in Florida, War with Indians, Political Troubles, South Carolina Invaded by Spaniards and Frenchmen, The Foe Expelled, An Indian League, Revolution in South Carolina, The Two Colonies become Royal Provinces, Georgia, Religious Missionaries there, Oglethorpe and the Spaniards in Florida, Condition of the Georgia Colony, Oglethorpe Invades Florida, The Spaniards Invade Georgia, Punishment of a Deserter, The Spaniards Driven Out of Georgia, Oglethorpe in England, Georgia becomes a Royal Province.

CHAPTER XV: Review of the History of Discoveries, Settlements and Colonization in America, Planting the Seeds of French Dominion in America, The Labors, Influence and Success of the Jesuits, Adventures Beyond the Great Lakes, Father Marquette and His Discovery of the Mississippi River, His Voyage Upon that Stream and its Results, La Salle, Neetmok His Expedition to the Valley of the Mississippi, He Voyages on that River to the Gulf of Mexico, Hennepin and the Upper Mississippi, La Salle Discovers and Names Louisiana, His Attempts to Colonize that Region, Discovery of Texas, Death of La Salle, Subsequent Colonization by the French. CHAPTER XVI: Nationalities of the American Colonists, Their Social Characteristics, Their Industries and Commercial Restrictions, Their Educational Institutions, Newspapers in the Colonies, The Tendency of the People to Local Self-Government and Union, Plans for a National Union, Congresses, Designs of the Royal Governors, A Crisis, Lords of Trade and Plantations, Resistance to the Royal Prerogative, Complaints by Royalists in America, Revolution Prevented by the French and Indian War. CHAPTER XVII: The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Efforts of the English to Maintain their Dominion in America, The Ohio Land Company, Events in Nova Scotia, Sufferings of the French Inhabitants there, Attempts to Enslave the Americans resisted, Mahew's Patriotic Sermons, Movements of the French Alarm the English, The Ohio Country Explored, Treaty with the Indian Tribes, Hostile Attitude of the French, Major Washington's Embassy to the French Commander.

CHAPTER XVIII: Reply to Dinwiddie's Letter, Virginia Prepares for War, A Fort Commenced on the Site of Pittsburgh, The French Seize it and Name it Fort Du Quesne, Washington leads Troops to recover it, Attacks and Defeats some French Troops, Compelled to Surrender to the French afterward, Colonial Convention at Albany, Plan of Union adopted, It is rejected by the British Ministry and Colonial Assemblies, American Affairs in England, A Mad Military Scheme Abandoned, Washington leaves the Military Service in Disgust, Braddock sent to America with Troops, Plan of the Campaign for arranged. CHAPTER XIX: The English begin Hostilities on the Sea, Expulsion of the Acadians from Nova Scotia, Hatred of the Acadians by British Officials, Braddock's Pride and Folly, His Army moves Slowly toward Fort Du Quesne, Washington on Braddock's Staff, Gives Good Advice, A Detachment of the Army moves more Rapidly, Washington's Wise Advice Rejected, Braddock's Army Defeated in Battle and Himself Slain, Retreat of the Army, Washington marvellously Protected, Shirley's expedition a Failure, Expedition under Johnson at the Head of Lake George, Approach of a French Army. CHAPTER XX: Military Events at the Head of Lake George, Honors Wrongly Bestowed, An Opportunity for Success Lost, Perfidy of the British Cabinet, The Prophecy of John Adams and its Fulfillment, Plans for the Campaign of , Franklin in Military Life, Washington's Embassy to Boston, His Love Affair in New York, Lord Loudon Commander-in-Chief, Abercrombie at Albany, His Folly and Supineness, Bradstreet's Expedition, The French Capture Oswego, Loudon's Imbecility Illustrated, The Results of the Campaign of , Loudon's Ignoble Victories. CHAPTER XXI: Character of Lord Loudon, The Condition of England, Pitt called to the Cabinet and His Dismissal from it, Plan of the Campaign of , Expedition against Louisburg a Failure, Imbecility of Lord Loudon, Disgust of the Indians, Their Alliance with the French, Montcalm on Lake Champlain, Stark's Exploits, Fort William Henry Threatened, Capture of Fort William Henry by the French, A Massacre, Cowardice of General Webb, Public Discontent in England, Pitt Recalled to the Cabinet, His Policy and its Effects, Preparations for the Campaign of. CHAPTER XXII: The Siege and Capture of Louisburg, Expedition Against Ticonderoga, Capture of Fort Frontenac, Activity of the French, Adventures of Putnam, Expedition against Fort du Quesne, Washington's Deeds and Marriage, Plan of the Campaign of , Wisdom of Pitt, The French in Canada, Expedition against Crown Point, Expedition against Fort Niagara, Expedition against Quebec, Arrival of the English there, and their Operations.

CHAPTER XXIII: Wolfe's Illness and Despondency, Preparations to attack Quebec, Battle and Death of Wolfe and Montcalm, Surrender of Quebec, Attempt to Recapture it, Surrender of Montreal and all Canada, Rogers' Expedition to Detroit, Interview with Pontiac, Capture of Detroit, War with the Southern Indians, War Continued Abroad, Treaty of Paris, Discontent of the Indians, Conspiracy of Pontiac and its Effects, Fate of Pontiac. VOLUME TWO BOOK IV THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE; OR, THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION. CHAPTER III: Pitt attempts to Form a New Cabinet, Duke of Cumberland's Ministry, American Affairs in Parliament, Pitt's Great Speech, Repeal of the Stamp Act, The Declaratory Act, Pitt Caricatured, Joyful Proceedings in England and America, Pitt made a Peer and becomes Unpopular, Pitt's Cabinet, British Troops in New York, The Liberty-Pole, Taxation Measures adopted by Parliament, Indignation of the Americans, Hopes of the French, They Send an Emissary to America, Preparations for Resistance. CHAPTER IV: The Americans Resolve to Resist, Violence Deprecated, Views of Leaders, Folly of the Ministry, The Massachusetts Circular, Acts of Crown Officers, The Issue, Hillsborough's Instructions, Temper of the other Colonies, A Prophecy, A War-like Menace, Seizure of the Liberty, Exciting Scenes at Boston, Firmness of the Citizens, Action on Rescinding by the Assembly, A Theo logical Controversy.

CHAPTER V: A Royal Order, Its Effect upon the People and the Assemblies, Views of Patriots and Legislatures, The Colonies an Unit, Hopes of the French, Numbers "Forty-five " and "Ninety-two, " John Wilkes, Propositions for Punishing the Leaders in Boston, Perfidy of the Governor, Indignation of the People, Non- importation League, Committee before the Governor, Convention in Boston, The People Aroused, Troubles in North Carolina, The Regulators. CHAPTER VI: Governor Bernard's Interference, Doings of a Popular Assembly in Boston, Landing of Troops there, Firmness of the Council and Selectmen, Public Feeling Outraged, Triumph of the Citizens, Action of the British Parliament, Advent of Lord North, Non-importation Agreements and the Young Women, Action of the Massachusetts Assembly, Departure of Governor Bernard, Hesitation in Parliament, A Circular to the Colonies, Excitement in England, Fruits of Taxation, Political Excitement in New York. CHAPTER VII: American Affairs in Europe, The British Ministry, The Parliament and the Americans, James Otis Disabled, Troops in Boston, Interference with Popular Rights Resented, Disturbance in New York, Violation of Non-importation Agreements and its Consequences, Affray with Rope-makers, Boston Massacre, After action of the People, Funeral of the Victims, Effects of the Massacre, A Triumph, Unwise Action of the British Ministry, Feelings of the Americans, Importations Renewed.

CHAPTER VIII: Settlements beyond the Mountains, Lawlessness in North Carolina, Governor Tryon and the Regulators, A Battle on the Alamance, Cruelty of the Governor, Crown-officers in America made Independent of the Assemblies, Obnoxious Letters of Crown-officers, Their History, Spirit of Liberty Everywhere, Virginia Firm and New York Wavering, Affair of the Gaspe, East India Company and the Ministry, Tea-ships Sent to America, Proceedings against them in Sea-port Towns. CHAPTER IX: The "Boston Tea-party, " Its Effects at Home and Abroad, Wrath of the Royalists, The Boston Port Bill, Opposition of Burke and others, Charles James Fox, Ignorance Concerning Americans, Other Measures for Punishing the Bostonians Adopted, Apprehensions of the Ministry, The Petition for the Removal of Hutchinson, Franklin before the Privy Council, Bad Manners of the Lords, Franklin is Dismissed from Office. CHAPTER X: General Gage appointed Governor, Hutchinson and His Friends, The Sons of Liberty Active, Gage in Boston, Doings of a Town-Meeting, Action of the Virginia Assembly, A General Congress Advocated, Governor Gage and the Assembly, Port of Boston Closed, Suffering and Patriotism, Bold Proceedings of the People, Preparations for a General Congress, Doings in New York, Minutemen, Gage and the People, Dreadful Rumors from Boston, Bold Measures of a Convention.

CHAPTER XI: Meeting of the General Congress, The Opening Scenes, The Congress Opened with Religious Services, Personal Sketches of the Members, Hospitalities of Philadelphians, Differences of Opinion in the Congress, A Traitor therein, Belligerent Feelings Repressed, Appeal from Boston, The Most Important Resolution, State-papers Framed and Adopted, "American Association" Formed, Secession of South Carolinians, Other State-papers agreed to, A Second Congress Recommended, Public Sentiment, Doings of the Congress, A Foolish Order from the King. CHAPTER XII: Destruction of Tea at Annapolis, Provincial Congress of Massachusetts Formed, Preparations for Civil Government and War, The Country and Events West of the Alleghany Mountains, Cresap and Logan, Vengeance of Logan, His Remarkable Speech, War with the Indians, Battle at Point Pleasant, Treaty with the Indians, Patriotism of the Soldiers, Gage's Letter to the Ministry, Stubbornness of the King, America's Ultimatum, Dr. Franklin and His "Hints, " His Private Diplomacy with Lord Howe and Mrs.

CHAPTER XIII: America's Affairs in Parliament, The King and Lord North, Proceedings of the Congress, in England, Franklin a Missionary, Lord Chatham and Franklin, North and the Cabinet, Policy toward the Americans, Franklin admitted to the House of Lords, Lord Chatham's Great Speech on American Affairs, Anger of the King, Chatham's Propositions Rejected, His Invective, He Compliments Franklin, Oppressive Measures, Gibbon, Disaffection in New York, Franklin and the Ministers. CHAPTER XIV: The King and His Ministers the Real Revolutionists, The Spirit of Independence, Its Development in America, Franklin's Fable of the Eagle and the Cat, The Americans not Revolutionists, Treatment of Battles, England and Her Colonies, in The Children of Boston, The Appointed Successor of Gage, His Generals, Franklin's Views of the Situation, Gage and the People, Hancock and Adams, Military Expedition to Concord, Skirmish at Lexington. CHAPTER XV: Operations at Concord Retreat of the British, Reinforcements, A Dreadful March for Boston, Fight at West Cambridge, Panic at Charlestown, Account of the Affair published in England, New England in Arms, Uprising of the Colonies, Virginia Convention, Patrick Henry's Appeal, Wrath of Dunmore, Royal Rule Abolished, Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence, Call for Troops in Massachusetts, An Army at Cambridge. CHAPTER XVI: Perfidy of Gage, Capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, The Second Continental Congress, Declarations of their Views and Intentions, Petitions and Addresses, Preparations for War, National Functions of Congress, Connecticut Troops at Harlem, Fortifications in New York ordered, The Forces at Cambridge made a Continental Army, British in Boston, Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief, Continental Paper Currency, The Army at Cambridge, Gage's Proclamation, Battle of Bunker's Hill.

CHAPTER XVII: Washington takes Command of the Continental Army, Preparations for the Siege of Boston, Disposition of the Opposing Armies, Dealings with the Canadians, Canada to be Invaded, Exploits on Lake Champlain, Instructions to General Schuyler, The Indians and the Johnson Family, Benedict Arnold, The Canadians, Character of the Troops at Ticonderoga, Montgomery Summoned to Command them, St. Johns Besieged and Captured, Allen made Prisoner, Arnold's Expedition, Preparations to Besiege Quebec. CHAPTER XVIII: Quebec Assailed, Death of Montgomery, Arnold and Lamb wounded, Americans Repulsed, Montgomery's Remains, Condition of the Republican Armies, Franklin's Plan for a Civil Government, General Post-office Established, A General Hospital, The Army before Boston, Committee of Congress, Insubordination, Events near Boston, A Continental Navy, A Changing Army Officers' Wives in Camp, Union Flag, British Troops in Boston, Artillery Procured, Dorchester Heights Fortified, Boston Closely Besieged. CHAPTER XIX: Perils of the British in Boston, British and Tories leave the City for Nova Scotia, Honors to Washington, Stirring Events in New York, Affairs in the Middle Provinces in , Exciting Scenes in Virginia, Battle at Great Bridge, Destruction of Norfolk, Events in North Carolina in , Battle at Moore's Creek Bridge, Doings in South Carolina and Georgia Condition of the Americans, Mercenary Troops sought for by the British. CHAPTER XX: Foreign Troops Hired by the British, Condition and Wants of the Republican Army in Canada, Temper of the Canadians, Commissioners of Congress in Canada, Retreat of the Americans from Quebec, Affair at the Cedars, Death of General Thomas, Disaster at Three Rivers, Retreat of the Americans from Canada, Terrible Sufferings, Sir John Johnson and His Conduct, Schuyler Defeats His Plans, The Royal Greens, Lady Johnson, Washington's Army, Lee in New York, Clinton in North Carolina, Battle in Charleston Harbor.

CHAPTER XXI: British Vessels driven from Boston Harbor, British Troops sail for New York, Washington in New York, Action of the Continental Congress, Schuyler and the Indians, A Horrible Plot Defeated, Movements in Favor of Independence, Paine and His "Common Sense, " Independence in Congress and Elsewhere, Silas Deane sent to France, Positive Action of the Colonies in Favor of Independence, The Formation of State Governments recommended, Declaration of Independence. CHAPTER XXII: Reception of the Declaration of Independence, State Governments Formed, Arrival of British Forces before New York, Peace Commissioners Foiled, Lord Howe, and Washington and Franklin, The Belligerent Armies, Preparations for a Conflict, The Battle on Long Island, The Retreat of the Americans from Brooklyn, Peace Commissioners again Foiled, i Internal Perils of the Army, Evacuation of New York by the Americans, Its Possession by the British. CHAPTER XXIII: Fire-ships, Battle on Harlem Plains, Captain Hale, the Spy, Great Fire in New York, The United States and France, Beaumarchais in England, Committee of Secret Correspondence, American Commissioners in Paris, w Washington Pleads for a Permanent Army, and is Disappointed, Forts Washington and Lee, General Lee, John Adams and Washington, British and American Armies in Westchester, Battle at White Plains, Retreat into New Jersey, Incidents of the Capture of Fort Washington, Prison-ships and their Victims. CHAPTER XXVI: A British Invasion from Canada with Savage Allies, Ticonderoga Evacuated by the Americans, Battle at Hubbardton, Schuyler Blamed, Weakness of his Army, He Impedes Burgoyne's March, The Story of Jane M'Crea, Disastrous Expedition toward Bennington, Siege of Fort Schuyler, Battle at Oriskany, St. Leger's Flight from before Fort Schuyler, Gates supersedes Schuyler, The American Army, Burgoyne prepares to Advance. CHAPTER XXVII: Colonel Brown's Raid in the Rear of Burgoyne's Army, Forward Movement of Burgoyne, Battle on Bemis's Heights, Bad Conduct of Gates, and Bravery of Arnold and Morgan, Gates's Jealousy, Desperate Condition of Burgoyne's Army, His Foolish Boast, Decision of a Council, Second Battle on Bemis's Heights, Gates and Arnold again, Bravery of the Latter, Victory, Surrender of Burgoyne and his Army. CHAPTER XXVIII: The Terms of Burgoyne's Surrender, The Disposition of his Troops, Sir Henry Clinton's Stratagem, Capture of Forts in the Hudson Highlands, Marauding Expedition up the Hudson, Washington confronting Howe in Delaware and Pennsylvania, Battle on the Brandywine, Movements of the Belligerents afterward, Wayne attacked near the Paoli, The British in Possession of Philadelphia, Operations on the Delaware, Battle of Germantown. CHAPTER XXIX: Public Confidence in Washington and the Army, The Hessians Repulsed at Red Bank and Mud Island, Disobedience of Gates and its Effects, Doings of a Faction in Congress in favor of Gates, The Delaware cleared of obstructions, The American Army at Whitemarsh and Valley Forge, The British in Philadelphia, " Battle of the Kegs, " " Conway's Cabal" or Gates's Conspiracy, Plan for a National Government Adopted, Its Character. CHAPTER XXX: The Army at Valley Forgs, Proceedings in the British Parliament, Beaumarchais and the Americans, A Serious Misunderstanding, Effects of Burgoyne's Surrender in France, Treaty between France and the United States, Franklin's Reception at Court, and his Popularity, Voltaire, Acts of the British Government, Conciliatory Bills, Rupture between France and England, American Detachments Attacked, Committee at Valley Forge, Congress and the Soldiers, Steuben, The Treaty received at Valley Forge, Conciliatory Bills and the Americans, The Peace Commissioners. CHAPTER XXXI: The Mischianza, The British Evacuate Philadelphia, Distress of the Tories, The American Army, Oath of Allegiance, Lafayette outgenerals the British Commanders, The British Evacuate Pennsylvania, The Americans Pursue, Disobedience of Lee, Battle at Monmouth, The British Army escapes to New York, Washington crosses the Hudson, Goes into Winter-quarters in New Jersey, Washington and Lee, Treason of General Lee, His Will, Arrival of a French Fleet and Minister, D'Estaing Sails for Rhode Island, Sullivan's Expedition, French and British Fleets off Newport, Battle on Rhode Island, British Marauders.

CHAPTER XXXII: Desolation of the Wyoming Valley, Indian and Tory Raids in the State of New York, Massacre at Cherry Valley, Events in the Western Wilderness, Exploits of Major Clarke, British Forays, The British Invade Georgia, Relative Position of the Belligerents, Attitude of European Governments, American Finances, Loan Offices and a Lottery Scheme, Efforts to Redeem the. Bills of Credit, Protection and Aid Solicited by Congress, British Hopes and Dangers, A Defensive Policy Adopted, Plan of the Campaign in the South, Military Operations in Georgia.

CHAPTER XXXIII: Invasion of South Carolina, The British before Charleston Their Retreat to Savannah, Battle at Stono Ferry, Character of the Invasion, British Marauding Expeditions in the North, Exploit of Putnam, Raid into Virginia, Capture of Stony Point, Desolation of Coast Towns in Connecticut, Recapture of Stony Point, Lee's Exploit at Paulus's Hook, Events on the Penobscot, Indian Raids, Sullivan's Campaign against the Indians, and the Result, The Outlook, The American Army, D'Estaing again on our Coast, Siege of Savannah, and the Result. CHAPTER XXXIV: The Continental Navy, Its Organization, Success of Cruisers, A Cruise around Ireland, Doings on the American Coast, Loss of British Vessels, Notable Cruisers, John Paul Jones in British Waters, Robbery of the Earl of Selkirk, Capture of the Drake, Neetmok Activity of American Cruisers, Jones's Great Fight off the Coast of Scotland, His Rewards, The King and Parliament, Ireland, Pownall's Prophecy, The Armed Neutrality, Foreign Negotiations, Lafayette. CHAPTER XXXV: The Siege and Capture of Charleston by the British, Violations of Solemn Engagements, Sufferings of Leading Citizens, Boldness of Gadsden, Effects of the Fall of Charleston, Buford's Defeat, Andrew Jackson, Harsh Measures, DeKalb, Gates in Command, Exploits of Sumter and Marion, and other Partisans, Cornwallis in Chief Command, Lord Rawdon at Camden, Cornwallis Defeats Gates, Sumter's Men Dispersed, A Mistaken Policy, Doings in Western Carolinas, Defeat of the British at King's Mountain, Its Effects, Treatment of Tories Partisan Warfare, Marion's Exploits and his Swamp Camp. CHAPTER XXXVI: Position of the Belligerent Armies, Mrs, Washington at Headquarters, Hamilton and Miss Schuyler, British Invasion of New Jersey, Murder of Mrs. Caldwell, Arrival of French Forces, Treason of Arnold, His Character, Progress of his Treason, Interview between Arnold and Andre, Capture of Andre, Arnold's Escape, Discovery of the Treason, Execution of Andre The Fate of Arnold and Andre considered, The Captors of Andre rewarded, The British Government and Holland, The American Cause in Peril, A Stronger Government longed for, Hamilton's Project, Reforms in the Army.

CHAPTER XXXVII: Patriotism of the Soldiers remarkably displayed, A Mutiny Suppressed, John Laurens and a French Loan, Articles of Confederation, A Bank Established, Greene Succeeds Gates, Cunningham's Atrocities, Battle at the Cowpens, Greene Chased by Cornwallis, Battle at Guilford Court-house, Fox and Pitt on American Affairs, Arnold in Virginia, Depredations by Phillips and Arnold, Lafayette and Steuben in Virginia, Cornwallis and Lafayette, Capturing Expeditions Foiled, Cornwallis Marches for the Sea-coast, Orders from Clinton, Cornwallis seated at Yorktown. CHAPTER XXXIX: Effect of the Surrender of Cornwallis in Europe and the United States, The News in Philadelphia, Scenes in Parliament, Negotiations for a Treaty of Peace begun, Various Military Movements, Washington adopts his Step-son's Children, Affairs in South Carolina, Evacuation of Savannah and Charleston, Peace Commissioners Appointed, Preliminary Treaty with Great Britain, Treaty with Holland, Great Seal of the United States, A Budding Conspiracy Rebuked by Washington, Departure of the French Army, Seditious Movement at Newburgh foiled by Washington, Gradual Disbanding of the Army, Treaty with Sweden, Definitive Treaty of Peace, Washington's Farewell Addresses, The Two Armies, Evacuation of the City of New York, The Last Combat. CHAPTER XL: Closing of the Drama on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Washington parts with his Officers and Resigns his Commission, His Journey from New York to Mount Vernon, Society of the Cincinnati, Weakness of the New Government, The Opinions of British Statesmen, The Public Debt and Credit, The States refuse to vest Sovereign Powers in the Congress, Lord Sheffield's Pamphlet, John Adams as Minister in England, Insurrections in the United States, Desire for a Stronger Government manifested, Hamilton's Early Efforts to that End, A National Convention Franklin's Motion for Prayers, nil Formation and Adoption of a National Constitution, Signing it and its Ratification, The Northwestern Territory, The New Government put into Operation. CHAPTER I: The People and the Constitution Washington informed of his Election, Visits His Mother, His Journey to New York, Reception at Philadelphia, Trenton, and New York, Inauguration of Washington, Official Etiquette, The Policy of Titles discussed, Mrs, Washington, The First Work of Congress, A Temporary Revenue System and its Effects, Executive Departments Established, A National Judiciary, Amendments to the Constitution, Seat of the National Government considered, Cabinet Officers chosen. CHAPTER II: Thanksgiving Day Appointed, The President's Journey into New England, Official Etiquette, Ceremonies at the Opening of Congress, Hamilton's Report on the Finances, Financial Measures Adopted, First Debates in Congress on Slavery, Seat of the National Government Chosen, Patents and Copyrights, Treaty with Southern Indians, A National Currency, Bank, Coinage and Mint Established, Vermont and Kentucky enter the Union, First Census, Wars with the Indians in the Northwest, and their Final Subjugation.

CHAPTER III: Formation of Political Parties, Revolution in France, ir Jefferson's Sympathies with the Revolutionists, His Suspicions, Jefferson and Hamilton at Variance, "Citizen Genet" and the Republicans, Proclamation of Neutrality, The Whisky Insurrection Jay's Treaty with Great Britain, The African Corsairs, Treaty with Algiers, British and French Depredations, Beginning of our National Navy, Washington Retires from the Presidency, His Farewell Address, Struggle for Political Ascendency, Washington Abused. CHAPTER IV: John Adams, President, Pride of the French Government, Reception of Monroe in France, Refusal to receive an American Minister, A Savage Decree, Doings of Congress, Affairs in Europe, Treatment of American Envoys by the French Directory, Gerry and Talleyrand, War-spirit in the United States, Bonaparte in the East, New Envoys to France, A Conspiracy, Bonaparte made First Consul, Settlement of Difficulties, War on the Ocean, Outrage by a British Naval Commander, American Victories on the Sea, Downfall of the Federal Party, Death of Washington. CHAPTER VI: Napoleon Emperor, England and France, British Jealousy, The Rule of Depredations on American Commerce, Non-importation, Orders in Council and Decrees, The Chesapeake and Leopard, Action of the United States Government, Further Orders and Decrees, Destruction of Commerce, Embargo Act, c; Tribute to Great Britain Demanded, Opposition to the Embargo, A Duel, President Madison, The Americans Deceived, Perfidy of Napoleon, President and Little Belt, The Two Navies, Trouble with the Indians, Battle of Tippecanoe.

CHAPTER VII: Manufactures in our Country, Report and Resolutions of the committee on Foreign Relations, Preparations for War, Embargo Act, War against Great Britain Declared, Provisions for War, A Factious Peace Party, Appointment of General Officers, A Fatal Mistake, The British Force on the American Station, Affairs in the Northwest, Military Movements in Canada, Invasion of Canada by Americans, Canadian Militia and Indians, Mackinaw Captured, Americans Evacuate Canada, Surrender of Detroit, Events at Chicago. Unfortunate Movement, New England and Great Britain, Patriotism of the People, A New Invasion of Canada Contemplated, Gathering of the New York Militia, The British on the Alert, Control of the Lakes Sought, Troops on the Niagara Frontier, Battle at Queenstown, Bravery of Wool and Death of Brock, Influence of Scott, Cowardice of the Militia, Surrender of the Americans, The Military Situation, American Naval Victories, Public Honors Awarded the Victors. CHAPTER IX: The Northern Frontier, Skirmish at Sackett's Harbor, Naval Fight on the St. Lawrence, Chauncey on Lake Ontario, Events on the St.

Lawrence and Niagara Frontiers, A Conspicuous Military Failure, General Harrison in the West, Enthusiasm of the People there, Massacre at the River Raisin, Fort Meigs Built and Besieged, Bravery of Captain Combs, Dudley's Defeat, Civil Affairs Considered, Mediation of Russia Offered, Siege of Fort Stephenson, The British Repulsed, The Effects. CHAPTER X: Command of Lake Erie Coveted, Captain Perry Superintends the Creation of a Fleet on that Lake, The American and British Squadrons, Naval Battle on Lake Erie, Perry Reports to Harrison, Harrison Pursues the British from Malden, Battle on the Thames, Defeat of the British, Michigan Recovered, Events on the St. Lawrence Frontier, Capture of York and Fort George, Battle at Stony Creek, British Repulsed at Sackett's Harbor, Affair at the Beaver Dams, Another invasion of Canada Planned, Disagreements of General Officers.

CHAPTER XI: Events on the Niagara Frontier, Colonel Scott and Regulars March Eastward, Events on Lake Champlain, Events on Lake Ontario, Expedition against Montreal, Military Movements in Northern New York Battle of Chrysler's Field, The American Troops in Winter-Quarters, Cruelties on the Niagara Frontier, Destruction of Buffalo, Events in the Gulf Region, War on the Creek Indians, T Jackson Subdues them, Naval Events on the Ocean, Cruise of the "Essex, " The "Hornet" and "Peacock, " The "Chesapeake" and "Shannon, " Loss of the "Argus, " Victory of the Enterprise. CHAPTER XII: Marauding Warfare, Plunder and Destruction of Towns, Cockburn at Havre-de-Grace, Norfolk Threatened, The British Repulsed, Cruelties at Hampton Departure of the Marauders, Cruise of Commodore Rogers, Fall of Napoleon, Peace Faction, Financial Difficulties, Conspiracy against the Public Credit, Disposition of Troops on the Northern Frontiers, La Colle Mills, Attack on Oswego, Capture of Fort Erie, Battle of Chippewa. CHAPTER XIII: Effects of the Battle of Chippewa, Movements of the Two Annies, Battle of Niagara Falls, Attack on Fort Erie, A Successful Sortie, The Americans Abandon Canada, Navies on Lake Champlain, Invasion of Northern New York, Battles on Land and Water at Plattsburg, Events on Lake Ontario, Expedition against Mackinaw, McArthur's Raid, The New England Coasts Blockaded Boston and New York Fortified by the People, British Repulsed at Stonington, Their Doings on the Penobscot. CHAPTER XIV: Threatened Dangers Unheeded, Weakness of the National Capital, Tardiness of the Government, Barney's Flotilla, Preparations to Defend the Capital, Battle at Bladensburg, Flight of Civil Officers, Mrs.

Madison, Destruction of Properly at Washington, Alexandria Plundered, The British before Baltimore, Battle of North Point, Bombardment of Fort McHenry, Repulse of the Bntish, The Star-Spangled Banner Naval Operations, Privateers, Change in the Theatre of Operations. CHAPTER XV: The Creek Indians, The British at Pensacola and Fort Bowyer, General Jackson Drives the British from Pensacola, Is Called to New Orleans, Invasion of Louisiana Contemplated, Lafitte and his Band of Outlaws, Jackson in New Orleans, The British in the Gulf, Events on Lake Borgne, Battle below New Orleans Pakenham and his Troops, Jackson's Line of Defence, Battle near New Orleans, Defeat and Retreat of the British, Honors to Jackson, The General Fined for Contempt of Court, Treaty of Peace, Its Effects, Effects of the War, The Hartford Convention, its Cause, Designs and Doings, Adjustment of Public Affairs. Result of the War, The Barbary Powers Humbled. CHAPTER XVI: Finances of the Government, A National Bank, Troubles about Boundaries in the Gulf Region, Beginning of Monroe's Administration, His Cabinet, State of the Republic and its Industries The West and its Growth, Chicago, The President's Tour, The Slave System, Colonization Societies, Liberia Founded, Pirates and Slave Dealers, Trouble with the Indians, Jackson in Florida, Doings at Pensacola, Florida Added to the Union, Missouri Territory, Admission of Missouri as a State, Violent Debates on Slavery, Anti-Slavery Movements, Pirates Subdued, Effects of Whitney's Cotton-Gin The " Monroe Doctrine, " Visit of Lafayette, Lafayette at the Tomb of Washington, Measures of Monroe's Administration, State of the Country.

CHAPTER XVII: President John Quincy Adams, The Georgians and the Indians, The Erie Canal, Wedding the Lakes and. The Sea, Death of Adams and Jefferson, South American Republics, The American System, A National Convention and its Results, Administration of President Adams, President Jackson's Inauguration, Character and Policy, Removal of the Cherokees, United States Bank, Black Hawk War, State Supremacy and Nullification, War on the United States Bank, Speculation and the Credit System, War with the Seminoles, Intercourse with Foreign Governments, Indemnities Settled, Commercial Treaties, New States, Jackson's Last Official Act. CHAPTER XVIII: Inauguration of Mr.

Van Buren, A Commercial Revulsion, Extra Session of Congress, Insurrection in the Canadas, Burning of the " Caroline, " Northeastern Boundary Troubles, The Ashburton Treaty, " Hard Cider Campaign, " General Harrison Elected President, Divorce of Banks and State, Harrison's Inauguration and Death. John Tyler becomes President, History of Political Parties, Extra Session of Congress, Bills for a National Bank Passed and Vetoed, Dissolution of the Cabinet, South Sea Exploring Expedition, Smithsonian Institution, Trouble in Rhode Island Texas and its Annexation, A Sad Accident, Oregon, President Tyler's Retirement. CHAPTER XIX: President Polk, Relations between the United States and Mexico, Annexation of Texas, Preparations for War, Bargain with Santa Anna and its results, Army of Occupation in Texas, General Taylor and Troops on the Rio Grande, Generals Ampudia and Taylor.

Fort Brown Constructed, First Bloodshed, A Mexican Force in Texas, Attack on Fort Brown, Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, General Taylor Enters Mexico, Declarations of War by the Two Governments, Plan of a Campaign, Siege and Capture of Monterey, Santa Anna in Mexico, General Wool in Mexico, Conquests by the Navy, General Scott calls for Taylor's Troops, Battle of Buena Vista, Movements of General Taylor, Events in Northern Mexico, Conquest of New Mexico and California. CHAPTER XX: Capture of Vera Cruz, March Toward the Capital of Mexico, Battle of Cerro Gordo, Flight of Santa Anna, Capture of Jalapa, Perote, and Pueblo, A Wonderful Campaign, March over the Cordilleras, Peace Propositions Rejected, Defences of the Mexican Capital, Battles near that City, Conquest of the Empire, Treaty of Peace, Gold Found in California, Results of the War with Mexico, Election and Inauguration of General Taylor as President of the Republic, California Seeks Admission into the Union, Violent Debates on the Subject of Slavery, Its Temporary Settlement by a Compromise, Death of President Taylor, Accession of President Fillmore, Compromise Bills Passed, Invasion of Cuba. CHAPTER XXI: The Mormons: their Origin and Progress, The Fugitive Slave Law, Invasion of Cuba, Territory Bought of the Indians, Enlargement of the Capitol, Kossuth and his Cause, Disputes about Fisheries, Relations with Japan, Tripartite Treaty, The Ostend Conference, President Pierce and his Cabinet, Exploring Expeditions, Union Pacific Railroad, The Sandwich Islands, Our Foreign Relations, Kansas and Nebraska Territories, Controversy about Slavery, Difficulties with Spain, Raids in Central America, War with Indians, Violation of Neutrality Laws, Conflict between Freedom and Slavery, Political Struggles in Kansas, A State Constitution Adopted, Violence in Kansas, Political Parties. BOOK VI THE CIVIL WAR; OR THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION. CHAPTER I: A New Era Skirmishes Before the Civil War The Democratic Party The Dred Scott Decision Action of the Supreme Court Early efforts to restrict slavery Slaves in England The status of Slavery here President Buchanans course foreshadowed Civil War in Kansas and civil government there Lecompton Constitution adopted and rejected Admission of Kansas as a State A judicial decision practically reversed Reopening of the African Slave Trade and action concerning it Working of the Fugitive Slave Law Action of State Legislatures Troubles with the Mormons.

CHAPTER II: Public quiet broken by John Browns raid Incidents of that raid and its effects The Republican Party A Pretext for Revolution Convention of Democrats at Charleston Disruption of the Democratic Party Incidents of the Plan Nominations for President Principles of the parties Lincoln elected Action of the Southern politicians Yanceys mission Fatal power of the politicians. CHAPTER III: The pretext for disunion True reasons State rights associations Desires for a royal government and aristocratic privileges Early preparations for disunion Secret conferences Sentiments of Virginians Congratulatory dispatches on Lincolns election Excitement in Charleston Public offices abdicated A state convention authorized Secret doings of Secessionists Movements in South Carolina State Supremacy and its effects Events in Georgia Toombs and Stephens Movements towards Secession in various states Southern Methodists Initial steps for disunion in South Carolina Dishonorable propositions Vigilance committees Secession assured.

CHAPTER IV: Secession Convention in South Carolina Proceedings of the Convention Ordinance of Secession adopted Public excitement Signing the Ordinance Anxiety of the loyal people Secretary Cobbs schemes Presidents message, its tone and reception The Attorney-Generals opinion Movements of the people and the clergy Proceedings in South Carolina Declaration of Independence Nationality of South Carolina proclaimed Events in Charleston Harbor Secretary Floyds treachery Transfer of troops to Fort Sumter The Secessionists foiled Floyd succeeded by Holt. CHAPTER V: Heroism of Major Anderson His wife and Peter Hart Robbery in the Interior Department Flight of Secretary Floyd Cabinet Changes South Carolina Commissioners in Washington Attempt to reinforce and supply Fort Sumter Inauguration of Civil War at Charleston Language of the politicians The people bewildered Fate of Leaders Secession in other states Seizure of public property Northern sympathizers Plan of the Secessionists Dohertys description Dixs Order Action in the border states Concessions Peace convention Adams Proposition Convention at Montgomery Establishment of a Southern Confederate Government. CHAPTER VII: Virginians in Charleston A Cry for blood Events in Charleston Siege of Fort Sumter Incidents of the Struggle Evacuation of the fort Joyful feelings in Charleston Gratitude of the loyal people displayed Honors to Major Anderson Attempts to Capture Fort Pickens Honors to Lt. Slemmer Presidents call for troops Responses to the call Uprising of the loyal people Boastings of the northern press A fatal mistake Interpretations of Scripture Proclamations and counter proclamations Privateering recommended to the Confederates Action of the Confederate Congress Privateers commissioned. CHAPTER VIII: The Virginia Convention Union sentiments expressed by violence Ordinance of Secession passed Bad faith Virginia annexed to the Confederacy The people disenfranchised The National Capital to be seized Daviss professions Poetic comments on them Events at Harpers Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard Response to the call for troops Massachusetts sends troops to Washington Attack upon them in Baltimore Critical situation of the Capital President and Maryland secessionists Prompt and efficient action of General Wood Union defence committee General Butlers operations in Maryland He takes possession of Baltimore Events at the Capital Preparations for the struggle.

CHAPTER IX: Decision of Colonel Lee Temptation and fall First invasion of Virginia Death of Colonel Ellsworth Blockade of the Potomac Engagement at Sewalls Point Loyalty in Western Virginia Action of the Secessionists Conventions Creation and admission of a new State Troops from beyond the Ohio The First Battle on land Attitude of the Border States Kentucky unionism Events in Missouri General Lyon The Governor of Missouri raises the standard of revolt Movements in Tennessee Pillow and Polk Changes in the Confederate Seat of Government Jefferson Davis in Virginia His reception in Richmond. CHAPTER X: Beauregards Proclamation Insurgents at Harpers Ferry Exploits of an Indiana regiment Events on the Virginia Peninsula Battle at Big Bethel National Troops on the Upper Potomac The Capital in Danger A Gunpowder Plot Action of England and France Punchs epigram Conduct of Great Britain and the Western European Powers Russia Meeting of Congress Department reports Appropriations Increase of the Navy Enthusiasm of the People Womens Work Miss Dix United States Sanitary and Christian Commissions Benevolent Work in Philadelphia. CHAPTER XI: Confederates in Virginia National troops in Western Virginia McClellans Campaign Secessionists repressed in Baltimore Confederate privateers Troops near Washington Manassas Junction Patterson crosses the Potomac Movements of National Troops Battle at Blackburns Ford Battle of Bulls Run and its effects War in the West General Lyons campaign Military operations in Missouri Death of Lyon Union movement Movements of a disloyal governor. CHAPTER XII: Fremont in Missouri Siege and fall of Lexington Kentucky neutrality violated by the Confederates Events in eastern Kentucky Buckners Raid Fremont superseded Battle at Belmont Military movements in Northwestern Virginia Lee, Floyd and Wise Civil War ended in West Virginia Capture of Hatteras Forts Events near Fort Pickens and Southwest Pass Operations on the coast of South Carolina McClellan in command On to Richmond!

Boldness of the Confederates They are pushed back Battle at Balls Bluff. CHAPTER XIV: A gunboat fleet Expedition against the Forts Henry and Donelson Capture of Forts Henry and Hieman Naval Expedition up the Tennessee Its discoveries Army reorganized Siege of Fort Donelson Change in Temperature Engagements on Land and Water A desperate measure attempted Council of War Cowardice Surrender of Fort Donelson Army postal service Panic at Nashville Surrender of the city Provisional government of Tennessee Events on the Mississippi river Siege and Capture of Island No. 10 Movement toward Corinth National army at Pittsburg Landing. CHAPTER XV: The Nationals and Confederates at Shiloh Battle of Shiloh, its events and results The Confederate retreat to Corinth Siege and capture of Corinth Genral Mitchels raid into Alabama Recovered territory Raid upon a railway Capture of Memphis Capture of New Berne and Fort Macon Events on the coast of North Carolina Siege and Capture of Fort Pulaski Conquests on the Southern Coasts Expedition against New Orleans Capture of Forts on the Mississippi Destruction of the Confederate Flotilla Seizure of New Orleans Hatred of General Butler.

CHAPTER XVI: Army of the Potomac Armies ordered to move McClellans plan of Operations Evacuation of Manassas Promenade of the Union Army McClellan relieved The Monitor and the Merrimac Events in the Shenandoah Valley Battle at Kernstown Army of the Potomac on the Peninsula Siege of Yorktown Magruders Strategy Battle at Williamsburg Tardy movements McClellan and the President Capture of Norfolk Military events in the Valley Battles at Winchester, Cross Keys and Port Republic The White House On the Chickahominy Confederate Government rebuked Fatal hesitation Battle at Fair Oaks Stuarts Raid. CHAPTER XVII: Battles of Mechanicsville and Gaines Mill Transfer of the Army to James River Battle at Savages Station, White Oak Swamp and Glendale Battle at Malvern Hill The Army at Harrisons Landing Army of Virginia Battle of Cedar Mountain Washington in Danger McClellan and the Government Flank movement Battles at Groveton, Bulls Run and Chantilly Call for Volunteers Barbara Frietchie Battles on South Mountain and Antietam Creek Burnside succeeds McClellan The Army at Fredericksburg and Battle there.

CHAPTER XVIII: National Rule in the Southwest Guerrillas Invasion of Kentucky Cincinnati saved Battle at Mumford and Perryville army of the Cumberland Battle at Iuka Springs General Ords movements Battle at Corinth and Operations near Capture of Baton Rouge Destruction of the Arkansas Operations in Arkansas and Louisiana Battles at Murfreesboro Emancipation Proclamation The Confederate Government Davis President Doings of the Confederate Congress British sympathy with the Confederates The Alabama Operations against Vicksburg Operations on the Mississippi Battles at Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills and Big Black River Vicksburg Invested. CHAPTER XIX: Investment and siege of Vicksburg Galveston Banks in Louisiana Siege and surrender of Port Hudson The Two Armies in Virginia Peck and Longstreet at Suffolk Moseby at Fairfax Court House Cavalry Battle Cavalry raids Movements in Chancellorsville Battle there Death of Stonewall Jackson Sedgwicks escape Retreat of the Army of the Potomac Siege of Suffolk The Confederate Army and Service Power of the Confederates abroad Davis recognized by the Pope Napoleon, Mexico and the Confederacy Napoleons real designs Confederates invade Maryland and Pennsylvania Panic Operations in Pennsylvania Battle at Gettysburg Sewards Circular. CHAPTER XX: Partisan opposition to the Government Knights of the Golden Circle The Draft Riots in New York Colored troops in New York Morgans great raid Meade and Lee in Virginia Operations of the two armies in Virginia Raid in Western Virginia Rosecrans and Bragg in Tennessee Streights great raid Bragg driven to and from Chatttanooga Burnside in East Tennessee Battle of Chickamauga The Army at Chattanooga Division of Mississippi Battle at Wauhatchie The Mule Charge Events in East Tennessee Battle on Lookout Mountain and on Missionary Ridge Operations against Charleston Robert Small Death of General Mitchel. CHAPTER XXI: Efforts to capture Charleston The Swamp Angel Siege of Fort Wagner Sumter in Ruins Events west of the Mississippi Invasion of Missouri Lawrence Sacked Events in Arkansas and the Indian Territory Raid into Missouri Struggle for Louisiana Grant in New Orleans Designs against Texas Forrest in Tennessee Strength of the Nations and Confederates compared High handed measures The British and the Confederates Good signs Grant Lieutenant-General Campaign of 1864 Shermans raid in Mississippi Massacre at Fort Pillow Forrests exploits Red River Expedition The Expedition abandoned Negro troops. CHAPTER XXII: Another invasion of Missouri and its results Morgan in East Tennessee Cavalry operations against Richmond Campaign of the Army of the Potomac Begun Battles in the wilderness and near Spottsylvania Court House Sheridans raid Operations between Petersburg and Richmond Kautzs Raid Struggles of Grant and Lee Battle at Cool Harbor The Nationals cross the James and invest Petersburg Confederate invasion of Maryland Salvation of Washington A plundering raid to Chambersburg Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley His Brilliant Campaign Richmond threatened Siege of Petersburg Capture of Fort Harrison Medal to colored troops Losses Shermans campaign in Georgia.

CHAPTER XXIII: The Armies at Marietta Death of Bishop Polk Hood in Command Battles around Atlanta Thomas sent to Nashville Hood chased into Alabama Shermans march to the Sea Evacuation of Savannah Events in Florida and North Carolina Invasion of Tennessee Hoods defeats and escape Confederate cruisers Capture of the Alabama Farragut near Mobile Election of President Sherman in the Carolinas Evacuation of Charleston Griersons Raid Capture of Fort Fisher Battle at Averysboro and Bentonville Wilsons Raid Capture of Mobile Operations below Petersburg Sheridans Raid Lees attempt to escape Stonemans Raid Movements for peace. CHAPTER XXIV: A desperate struggle Battle at the Five Forks Assault on Petersburg Panic in Richmond Flight of the Confederate Government Richmond on fire National troops enter it Trophies and Confederate archives Rejoicings Sewards speech Evacuation of Petersburg Lee becomes despondent Defeated, and surrenders at Appomattox Court House Lees Farewell Address Lincoln in Richmond Proclamation of Peace Assassination of the President The Assassins Fate Johnson President A Murderous Plot Proposal by the Confederate Leader rejected by General Johnston Surrender of General Johnston and others Capture of Jefferson Davis Leniency towards him. CHAPTER XXVI: Reorganization of the Union President Johnsons Plan Thirteenth Amendment Character of the President Justice for the Freedmen Motives of Lincoln and Johnson contrasted A Pitiful Trick Action in the disorganized states The Test Oath Reconstruction Committee President, offended, makes war on Congress His political tour His vetoes The President and Secretary Stanton French troops in Mexico Napoleons designs and perfidy British interference Suffrage in the District of Columbia President threatened with impeachment Acts of Congress vetoed and passed Extra sessions Unlawful conduct of the President. CHAPTER XXVII: The Presidents message condemned His conduct arraigned Stanton reinstated Johnson against Grant Reconstruction Acts A high handed measure Impeachment of the President Charges Managers Popular excitement Trial and verdict Presidential nominations Congress denounced by a Convention Revolutionary Proposition Grant and Colfax elected Amendment of the Constitution Reorganization completed Amnesty Military Rule abandoned Treaty with China Policy toward the Indians considered Fifteenth Amendment Financial measure Inauguration of Grant His Cabinet Retirement of President Johnson.

CHAPTER XXX: A Centennial Exhibition Proposed First Practical Measures adopted The subject presented to Congress Action of Congress Commissioners appointed Organization of the Centennial Commission Centennial Board of Finance Official Seal Preparations for buildings Grounds devoted to the Exhibition Action of the Government Medals authorized Exhibition buildings and their extent Womens Work Unpatriotic action of the Congress Opening of the Exhibition Whittiers Centennial Hymn The Result of the Exhibition Its Close. CHAPTER XXXI: Impeachment of a Cabinet Officer Amendment of the Constitution Issue of Silver Currency A Presidential Year A Vigorous Political Campaign Lawlessness in the South Threatened trouble there provided against The Presidents orders A Committee of Observation Action of Congress Preliminary Committees The Electoral Commission Its action Hayes and Wheeler declared elected Inauguration of Hayes His Policy and Cabinet Disposition of troops in the South Improved tone of public feeling Appropriations neglected A called session of Congress The deficiencies The Nez Perce Indians War with them Sitting Bull. The Declaration of Independence II. Stuyvesant destroying the summons to surrender The Typical North American Indian Thorfin and Gudrida on the Shore of Vineland The Landing of Columbus Spaniards Destroying Mexican Idols Frenchmen Proceeding to Attack the Spanish Fort on the St. Johns Landing of the Pilgrims English Settlers in America Public Worship by the Pilgrims at Plymouth Penns Treaty with the Indians Virginians Defending Themselves Against the Indians Puritans Barricading Their House Against Indians Indians Plundering South Carolina Plantations Death of Father Marquette Major Washington on His Mission to the French Commander Montcalm Trying to Stop the Massacre Conflict with the Indians on the Southwestern Frontiers Pontiac in Council Defence of the Liberty Pole in New York. Volume II: Decaturs Conflict with the Algerine at Tripoli Continental Soldier, 1776 Governor Tryon and the Regulators Uprising of the New England Yeomanry A Minute-Man Preparing for War Concord, the First Blow for Liberty The Call to Arms Conscription of German Soldiers for Service in America The March to Valley Forge The American Troops at Valley Forge Washington at Monmouth Putnams Escape at Horse-Neck General Lincoln Receiving Cornwalliss Sword from General OHara Portrait of Washington The Death of Washington Emigration to the Western Country Mrs.

Heald and the Savages at Chicago The British Repulsed at Fort Stephenson Battle of New Orleans Death of General Pakenham. Volume III: Battle of Lake Erie Volunteer Soldier, 1861 The Taking of Monterey The Attack on Fort Sumter Retreat of the Confederates from Shiloh Attack of the Monitor on the Merrimack Barbara Freitchies Defiance Siege of Vicksburg Lees Retreat after the Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Lookout Mountain Shermans March to the Sea Completion of the Pacific Railroad Opening of the Centennial Exhibition, May 10, 1876.

Van Twiller Murder of the Dutch wheelwright by Indians Massacre of Indians at Hoboken Rreception of Stuyvesant at New Amsterdam Stuyvesant and Beeckman Stuyvesant and Governor Winthrop Final surrender by the Dutch to the English Governor Fletcher and Capt. Volume II: Landing of Royal troops at Boston British artillery in Boston A patriotic young woman Death of James Otis The Boston Massacre Regulators capturing a powder escort The wrath of Governor Tryon Destruction of the Gaspe Lord North Destruction of tea in Boston Harbor The House of Lords in 1774 Paul Revere scattering handbills in the villages The Raleigh Tavern Forging arms for the Minute-men Blessings for the Minute-Men Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia The first prayer in Congress A Minute-Man Logan the Indian and Colonel Gibson Militia crossing the mountains Mrs. Franklin playing chess Franklin led into the house Benjamin Franklin Soldiers and the boys of Boston Paul Revere at Lexington To arms, to arms, the war has begun!

Parson Emerson at Concord Removing the stores at Concord A veteran hastening to Cambridge Ethan Allens summons Continental bills of credit Building the redoubts on Breeds or Bunker Hill The first fire from the redoubt Philip Schuyler Ethan Allen in irons Arnolds expedition across the wilderness General Carleton, General Wooster, General Montgomery Dispirited soldiers Taking cannon from Ticonderoga to Boston Washington watching the departure of the British Norfolk in flames Disabling cannon at Savannah German soldiers forced from their homes William Moultrie, Charles Lee, Robert Howe Brave Sergeant Jasper Washington and the green peas Richard Henry Lee Thomas Jefferson Pulling down the statue of George III Americans at Gowanus Creek The Negro and the Hessian sentinel Plundering soldiers Execution of Nathan Hale The council of war on horseback Around Fort Washington Building war vessels on Lake Champlain Flight of the Hessians Attack on General Mercer Washington in the field at Princeton Brant Escape of a citizen of Danbury Capture of General Prescott Obstructing the march of the British Death of Jane McCrea Wounded Herkimer directing the battle Morgans riflemen on the field Arnold going into battle Artillery of the British turned upon themselves Generals Riedesel, Burgoyne and Gates Hessians on the march General Putnam The frightened Dutchman Troops rallied at the Brandywine Lafayette The attack on Fort Mercer The army at Valley Forge Baron Steuben drilling the troops Taking the oath of allegiance at Valley Forge Flight of the British across New Jersey On the battlefield at Monmouth Defenders of the Wyoming Valley Cherry Valley captives Crossing the drowned lands An invasion of plunderers Putnams escape Wayne at Stony Point Death of Pulaski A naval engagement in 1779 Slaves sent to the West Indies Massacre of Bufords command A homeless Marion and the British officers Hamilton and the sentinel at Morristown Capture of Major Andre Arnolds escape Execution of Andre General Wayne and the mutineers General Nathaniel Greene Battle at the Cowpens A display of genuine patriotism Arrest of Emily Geiger General Francis Marion Capture of a redoubt at Yorktown Great Seal of the United States Washingtons headquarters at Newburgh Mrs Day and the provost marshal Washington taking leave of his officers Emigrants on the Ohio River Washington parting with his mother Domestic life at Mount Vernon Henry Knox and Alexander Hamilton John Jay Washington sitting to Madame Brienne Destroying Indian villages Firing on prowling Indians Indians armed by the British Political mob in Charleston John Jay burned in effigy John Adams Washington receiving his commission Bonaparte rescued by his soldiers The Constitution and LInsurgente Jeffersons personal appearance Decatur boarding the Philadelphia Aaron Burr on the Ohio River Tecumseh and General Harrison The Prophets incantations An American seaman forcibly impressed Hull in Fort Detroit Mrs Heald defending herself Mrs Helm carried to the lake Flight of Brock and his staff Conflict between the United States and the Macedonian Sending back British balls A blockhouse Scene at the River Raisin Attack on Fort Stephenson Perry going from the Lawrence to the Niagara Death of General Pike Mrs Secord warning Fitzgibbon Leap of Weatherfords horse Weatherford and Jackson The British at Havre-de-Grace Battle of Chippewa Fort Erie bastion blown up Repulse at the Stone Mill Mrs Dolly Payne Madison Saving the portrait of Washington General Ross mortally wounded Troops charging into Pensacola Jackson before the court Dey of Algiers before Decatur Fertile fields of the west Hunting the buffalo. Rosecrans Exploit of aide-de-camp Fiske Death of a brave leader Rough Rangers Captain McCreas defense of his gun S. Dupont D C Farragut General McClellan Stuarts Raid Destroying railway tracks General McClellan at Antietam The Michigan drummer boy Struggle for an Indiana battery Jefferson Davis A cavalry engagement A picket on duty Pursuit of the Confederates Riot in New York Exploit of little John Clem Sacking of Lawrence General Sherman John Morgan Philip H Sheridan Sheridans ride from Winchester The friendly yacht and its services Farragut lashed to the rigging Signing the capitulation at Appomattox Andrew Johnson Ulysses Simpson Grant Destruction of Custers command Cultivation by slaves Miners at work Traffic with the Indians.

Remember folks, this is an 1877 original three-volume set. These books are 144 years old. Please be sure to add me to your List of Favorite Sellers. Don't miss out on any of my latest listings.

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  • Year Printed: 1880
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Topic: United States
  • Binding: Leather
  • Region: North America
  • Illustrator: Felix Darley
  • Author: Benson J.


  • Subject: History
  • Original/Facsimile: Original
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Johnson and Miles
  • Place of Publication: New York
  • Special Attributes: Illustrated

1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated   1877 U. S. History Set American Revolution CIVIL War Indians Antique Illustrated