Civil War New York

1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY

1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY

1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY    1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY
How often do you see a Civil War ID disc/dog tag belonging to a sharpshooter? The disc is stamped 1862 which is the year that Moore enlisted in Caroline NY (near Ithaca), according to the HDS database. Residence was not listed; 19 years old. Enlisted on 8/11/1862 at Caroline, NY as a Priv. On 9/12/1862, he mustered into "7th" Co. New York 1st Sharp Shooters. He was Mustered Out on 6/7/1865 at Elmira, NY. Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc. The disc reads around the outer edge: Martin. I found pension records for Moore in Fold3 indicating that he had registered himself as an "invalid, " implying some sort of disability. I cannot find any records of him being wounded in combat. This unit saw a lot of service from 1862 until the end of the war.

We have many unique Civil War military antiques to consider. If you have any questions, please feel free to message us. 1st Battalion, New York Sharpshooters.

Organized by consolidation of 6th Company Sharpshooters. 7th Company Sharpshooters organized at Jamestown September 12, 1862.

8th Company Sharpshooters organized at Staten Island January, 1863, and 9th Company Sharpshooters organized at Staten Island for nine months' service January, 1863. Attached to Gibb's Provisional Brigade, Division at Suffolk, 7th Army Corps, Dept. Of Virginia, to April, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Army Corps, to July, 1863.

1st Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1864. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 5th Army Corps, to August, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Army Corps, to July, 1865. Action at Suffolk April 17.

Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 7. Expedition from White House to Bottom's Bridge July 1-7. Baltimore Cross Roads July 2. July 8; thence to join Army of the Potomac in the field. Joined 1st Army Corps July 15. Pursuit of Lee July 15-24. Duty on line of the Rappahannock till October.

Advanced to line of the Rappnhannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Demonstration on the Rapidan February 5-7, 1864. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May 3-June 15. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Laurel Hill May 8; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Spottsylvania Court House May 12-21.

Assault on the Salient, "Bloody Angle, " May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. About Cold Harbor June 1-12. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865.

Weldon Railroad August 18-21, 1864. Reconnoissance to Boydton Road October 8. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Warren's Raid on Weldon Railroad, Hicksford Raid, December 7-12. Dabney's Mills February 5-7, 1865.

Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. White Oak Road March 31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9.

Surrender of Lee and his army. Mustered out 6th, 7th and 8th Companies July 10, 1865. 9th Company August 5, 1863.

Battalion lost during service 23 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 38 Enlisted men by disease.
1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY    1st NY Sharpshooters Civil War Dog Tag ID Disc! Martin L. Moore of Upstate NY